كالج پارك شهری كوچك در ايالت مريلند در شرق آمريكاست. برنامه هفتگی راديو كالج پارك هر جمعه توسط گروهی از دانشجويان ايرانی دانشگاه مريلند تهيه ميشود
I hope them prosperity and success on their work because they spend their time in this cultural program as students.
And the best they do and I think is new is that they make a sound record of news that would be easier fore the audience to follow the news.
for example just listen to this:
مشكل ترجمه در مصاحبه مطبوعاتى آقاى خاتمى در آمريكا
to go to the website click here
and finally I hope them that they could continue their radio programs.
reza jaan baba in aberoozie baresh daar!
in yaaro motajeme che ahmaghie !
man ke shaakh dar avordam !
kami joon baba taraf kheili zaye mikone,taze kharejia ke nemifahman ke choon farsi mige
fek konam age khode khatami sohbat mikard behtar bood
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